Ask the Metallurgist Blog
Sizing Considerations When You Buy Steel Bar
Steel bars are fundamental components across many different industry applications, including construction, manufacturing, and engineering. Sizes and dimensions play a crucial role in determining suitability for specific projects.
ShotShow 2025: Guide for Attendees
ShotShow 2025 is right around the corner, and the team at Jade Steel is getting excited about one of our favorite annual events.
Planning to attend ShotShow 2025? We hope to see you there! Keep reading for event details, schedule, and food/lodging recommendations.
Steel for Firearms: Alloys and Key Characteristics
How is steel used in firearm design, what are the most important characteristics of gun component materials, and which alloys have proven their ability to withstand the unique stresses experienced by critical components like barrels and bolts?
In this blog, we explain the fundamentals of steel for firearms, look at why carbon steel is the leading choice for firearm components, and explore 4140-grade steel as an example of an alloy that is well-suited to the unique engineering requirements of gunmakers and OEMs.
Meet Jade’s In-House Metallurgist
In this special rapid-fire edition of Ask the Metallurgist, our team braved the “steely” gaze of metallurgist Andrew Freborg to ask a few questions and help our readers get to know our expert—and learn from his experience in the industry. His responses have been lightly edited for the blog format.
4140 Steel: Material Properties Guide and FAQ
What is 4140 steel, and what makes it one of the most popular choices for challenging applications in automotive, aerospace, and beyond?
In this blog, we review the fundamentals of this important steel grade, explore its key properties, and explain what makes it different from some other leading grades.
Military Grade Steel: Common Defense and Aerospace Steel Grades
Steel is called on to perform in a broad variety of military and aerospace applications ranging from bomb lugs, to tank armor, to jet engine components. The key to success in these challenging operating environments?
In this article, we define military grade steel, explain what makes it different, and highlight some common grades of steel ready for military and aerospace needs.
Precision Kidd Steel Joins Jade Steel Group
Our team is excited to make it official: Precision Kidd Steel Company Inc. is joining the Jade Steel Group of companies!
Precision Kidd Steel (PK Steel), a leader in cold-drawn steel products, will offer unique capabilities within our family of companies, and we look forward to working with our customers to identify new opportunities.
Special Bar Quality Steel: What Does it Really Mean?
What makes special bar quality (SBQ) steel different, how is it manufactured, and what is its relationship to “steel cleanliness?” In this article, I take a look at the fundamentals of SBQ steel and provide a short tutorial on clean steel production. It is the first in a series designed to familiarize steel buyers and end users with the specific attributes of this important material.
Steel Industry Outlook 2024
In this article, we review current steel industry trends, including overall production and scrap surcharge metrics, to consider the answer to this question. While the industry continues to recover, substantial risks remain, and businesses that rely on steel will do well to lock in a reliable source from a quality supply chain partner.
Cold-Finished Steel Bar: Options and Benefits
Cold-finished steel bar can provide fit-for-purpose material characteristics across a wide variety of applications. The term “cold-finishing,” however, is used to describe a number of different processing options, and it can be difficult to know which choice is right for a given challenge. This article to provides some clarity, explains the fundamentals of cold finishing, and outlines the differences (and benefits) of different types of cold-finished steel bar.
Boron-Treated Steel: Why Does Boron Affect Steel Hardening Response?
The addition of Boron to steel has long been recognized as a solution for boosting steel hardenability. But what is the metallurgical science behind this outcome? In this article, we explain boron-treated steel, how boron affects steel hardening response, and why boron-treated steels can provide exceptional value in the right applications.